How To Set UIButton Background Color For Disabled State

Now I can set using .disabled

Mohd Hafiz
2 min readApr 7, 2021

Any Issue on UIButton?

UIButton basically does not have a built-in function to set its background for multiple state. Developers need an extra effort to make the disabled state to have a different background. In some cases, UIViewControllers might have different functions and approach to manage the background colour for .disabled state (spaghetti code).


Here is the simple solution. A simple subclass of UIButton, to enable background changing based on isEnabled value. So, whenever the value of isEnabled is changed, it will reflect the background color. Awesome!

Please take note, this simple solution only will cover these two states; .normal and .disable state.

1) First, create a new class called “CustomButton” (you name it).

2) Add new enum to keep two different state.

3) Then, add two variables to keep two different background colors.

4) Override isEnabled with didSet closure to handle update on background value to our defined colors.

5) Finally, add a custom function to set background color for both states .normal and .disabled.

Great, the subclass is now ready! See the full code below.


How to use it? Well. Remember, first, set your button background using our custom function setBackgroundColor() — in viewDidLoad or using lazy var closure.

Then, we can just set isEnabled to true or false, it will update the background accordingly 🎉.

// set this in viewDidLoadbutton.setBackgroundColor(.blue, for: .normal)button.setBackgroundColor(, for: .disabled)// set enable or disable when neededbutton.isEnabled = true// button.isEnabled = false

Check the above quick preview extension for UIKit in my article here.

Thanks for your reading and don’t forget to share to you friends. Feedbacks are most welcome.

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Mohd Hafiz

iOS Developer focusing on Swift — “Read, learn & practice!”.